On Belay

A Resource of the Shepherdess Ministry

Have you been through—or are you currently going through—a significant health event such as:

  • Cancer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Heart Disease
  • Migraine
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Auto-Immune Disease
  • Bed Rest (during pregnancy)
  • COPD


The Shepherdesses are looking for women who are survivors or who have been journeying with their diagnosis for some time and would be willing to come alongside another Perimeter woman who is just starting out.


  • Why On Belay?

    In mountain climbing, every roped climber clinging to a rock face or gym wall has a partner performing a critical role on the ground. The belayer skillfully handles the rope and can be relied upon to catch a fall every time the need arises. The person making the climb is said to be “on belay”—meaning they are being supported by a belayer. In our context, a belayer would be there to help navigate the emotions and spiritual questions that come with a serious diagnosis. Belayers are not there to give medical advice or assist with decision-making. They are there to provide support and exemplify the love and hope that we have in Jesus, even in the midst of a health crisis.?

  • Want To Learn More?

    Please reach out to Kelly Ward if you are interested in learning more about being a belayer.