Investors' Report

Investors' Report | Winter 2020

Spiritual Multiplication • Kingdom Flourishing

On Sunday, February 2, Jeff Norris made some exciting announcements in his Family Update. Click on the video above to hear his update, and see how God has really blessed and challenged Perimeter during this season of transition. 


During the Rooted to Flourish Vision Nights, Jeff Norris shared some startling statistics. Studies show that when most churches experience a transition from a founding pastor to a new pastor, they lose 20% of their people and 20% of their giving. They find themselves smaller and less able to handle the challenges that come during a season of transition.

But we prayed that Perimeter Church would be different. We prayed that God would not only protect Perimeter but allow it to flourish! We took on a posture of radical dependence, asking God to do what only He could do.

And he did it!

All we can say is ...


With the extra $2 million from ALL IN, we will be able to complete some much-needed maintenance projects, such as putting a new roof on the "C" building and re-paving the parking lots and driveways. And we will still have $1 million extra that we can roll forward to the Rooted to Flourish initiative budget! When you add it all together, during the two years of Rooted to Flourish, we have an anticipated budget that is 18% higher than it was during the previous two years. We flipped the script! 

God has given us a big vision. To take what He has done here for the last four decades and do immeasurably more than we can imagine in the decades to come. 

To be a church focused on Spiritual Multiplication — because God desires to be reconciled with everyone, and He wants us to work with Him to accomplish it.

To work towards Kingdom Flourishing both locally and globally — because God's church is to represent every tribe and tongue. 

Thank you for heeding God's call to support the local church in this way. To God be the glory!

Stewarding God's


Because of your generosity at the end of 2019, we are able to move forward on two important maintenance projects:

  • putting a new roof on the "C Building"—which houses KIDS Town and Perimeter School's K-5 students (in progress)
  • re-paving the entire parking lot and all entrances (coming soon!).

Stay tuned for more information on both projects, and other building maintenance projects that are slated for 2020. 

While these projects are not breathtaking—like the Atrium—or full of fun—like the pool—they are necessary. God has given us much, and we are expected to be good stewards of everything He has entrusted to us. We are able to complete both of these projects in a timely manner because God laid it on your heart to go "above and beyond" in your end-of-year giving. And you listened and obeyed.

Thank you, and thank God!

A Note from Gordon Moore, CFO

Wow! What an amazing way to end 2019 and start the new decade. Over the last year, we have seen so much change — yet the most important things about our church have stayed the same. We love God, we love God's people, and we love God's church. 

I want to personally say thank you for carrying the banner forward through this transitional time. For stepping out in faith. I know that we can and will do immeasurably more in the coming decades as long as we keep our eyes fixed on God in a posture of radical dependence on Him. 

There are still more changes to come. For one, I will be transitioning off the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and out of my role as CFO in September. In anticipation of this change, Stacey Ernest has been chosen to be the church's new CFO after I step down. We are already working closely together, and I am in the process of transitioning many tasks and responsibilities over to her. In the next Rooted to Flourish Investors' Report, we will include a profile of Stacey. In the meantime, if you see her, please welcome her to the team!

Blessings to you all, and thank you for your generosity and obedience to Him,

Gordon Moore

February's Global Focus

In February, we as a church are focusing on God's desire that all the nations would know Him. Each week there will be a special insert in your bulletin about some aspect of our global investments. All of this is leading up to our Global Missions Spotlight the weekend of February 22-23. And our Global Outreach Night of Worship on February 23 will have a distinctly global flavor! 

Kingdom Flourishing Around the World:

Choosing Life in Serbia

In Serbia, more than two out of every three pregnancies ends with an abortion. With your support which has funded two grants from Kingdom Investments, Choose Life—a Christian pregnancy care center and maternity home—is working to empower mothers and fathers to, literally, choose life. 

Since 2016, Perimeter Church has been invested in the mission and ministry of Nexus Church in Novi Sad, Serbia. We helped them heat their new church building so that they could hold meetings and worship services throughout the winter. We helped them renovate additional space enabling them to open their doors to the mostly-secular city by hosting community events.

And we are helping them save babies.

A partner of Nexus Church is Choose Life—a pregnancy care center and maternity home—which was founded by the pastor's wife. Through its partnership with Perimeter's Global Outreach ministry, Choose Life has been able to expand its services of pregnancy counseling and maternity support.

In Serbia, abortion is seen as a normal form of birth control, and the result is that more than 150,000 abortions are performed every year. Less than half that many babies are actually born. In addition, the country is said to have more drug addicts than evangelical Christians. Choose Life operates as an overtly Christian organization—supporting both the mother's physical and spiritual needs.

Choose Life is currently raising funds to build The NEST—a stand-alone residential facility for mothers facing an unexpected pregnancy. The NEST will allow Choose Life to offer housing and support throughout the pregnancy and after birth to women who otherwise would choose abortion out of necessity. Currently, Choose Life uses a small rental location and can only house two mothers at a time. The NEST will be able to provide residential care for five women and their children, allowing them time after they give birth to get on their feet and develop a plan for self-sustenance.

Just a few weeks ago, Kingdom Investments awarded Choose Life a significant grant which—when matched—will enable them to build The NEST and have it ready for expectant mothers in 2021.

Because of your generosity and the vision that God has given to Perimeter to come alongside the global church, we are supporting both a church and a partner ministry that are saving babies and saving lives for eternity.

Postured in Radical Dependence ...

Praying for the Nations

In the Fall, Perimeter Church took on the challenge to become a House of Prayer. We launched with a 40 Days of Prayer initiative, where 1,000 people covered our church in prayer for more than 4,000 hours. Tuesday Night Prayer was re-established, and hundreds of people came to worship and pray corporately. Please watch the video above for an encouraging recap of what God was doing in the hearts and lives of His people during this initiative.

In 2020, Tuesday Night Prayer is continuing. Join us as we bring our heart for the nations before the throne of God. Our church's mission is "to see individuals, families, greater Atlanta, and the world come into a life-transforming encounter with the Kingdom of God." And nothing empowers life transformation quite as much as prayer—communing with the One who is the source of all life. 

So come join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters and for Kingdom Flourishing Around the World. 

The Details
When: Every Tuesday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Where: Ministry Center (directly below the Chapel)


It's not too late to register for the next Community Outreach Celebration Tour—this Saturday, February 8—to Rainbow Village. 

Rainbow Village helps guide homeless families toward self-sufficiency by providing housing, empowerment training, and family support that helps them regain and sustain permanent housing and stability. Learn more about Rainbow Village by clicking here.
The Details
Date: Saturday, February 8
Where: We meet in the Perimeter Church Atrium
Arrive: 9:00 AM—Buses depart at 9:10 AM
Return: No later than Noon


Good Samaritan Health Center & North Gwinnett Co-Op (Saturday, March 14)
City of Refuge (Saturday, April 25)

Our Giving Story: Jason and Emily Dowling

To say that the Dowlings are invested in the mission and vision of Perimeter Church may be an understatement. 

Emily Nelson Dowling grew up at Perimeter Church. Literally. She is a graduate of Perimeter School, and both of her parents—Brad and Suzanne Nelson—are on staff. As adults, she and her husband Jason, who was raised in Valdosta, chose to raise their family at Perimeter as well. But they have definitely forged their own path. 

A result of being so rooted at Perimeter Church, the place where Emily came to know Christ, has been a call to invest in the church with both time and resources. Both Jason and Emily are involved in Discipleship, and Jason is on the Elder Ministry Team. They have also served in the nursery, on the hospitality team, and hosted a Connect Group. 

So when it came time for Perimeter to find a successor to founding pastor Randy Pope, Jason and Emily were tapped to be on the search committee.

"It was exciting to hear Jeff’s vision for Perimeter and see the vision and responsibility falling to the younger generations," said Jason and Emily. "Being on the search committee helped us see the intentionality of the church. The transition was not taken lightly! We were able to see the stewardship of the church."

Jason and Emily also see themselves as stewards of the church through their intentional financial investment in the local church. They have participated in two previous ALL IN initiatives and are heavily involved in the current Rooted to Flourish initiative.

When the Dowlings attended the Rooted to Flourish Vision Night, they realized that they had gone through many of the Giving Journey stages that Gordon Moore described. 

"Through God’s grace, we’ve been able to move from an occasional giver to a consistent giver and then to more sacrificial giving," said the Dowlings. "The journey has been both challenging and rewarding."

When Jason was a resident, they made very little money and their family was expanding rapidly.

"We definitely added kids faster than we added income!" said Jason. "In fact, during that time our giving really trailed downwards out of fear. God used some outside situations and the Holy Spirit's conviction to change my heart. We started giving and it was a tender reminder of God’s call to be generous, even when it’s a challenge. His grace and patience are with us even when we fall short."

Jason and Emily also prioritize finding other ways to invest in Kingdom Flourishing in addition to giving money. They see giving of their time, possessions to the needy, and using their home for hospitality as part of their offering.

"For us, it’s becoming more about how we can be open with our hearts and lives, not just our bank account," said Jason and Emily.

So Jason and Emily encourage young people to give—even if the amount seems small by human standards. Jason tells a story about how a seemingly small gift to the kingdom had a lasting impact on him.

"When I was in college I went to my first RUF campus ministry meeting because I heard there were free hotdogs. I was a hungry teenager, and my stomach moved me toward the ministry that ended up being pivotal in my spiritual growth," he said. "I often smile thinking about whoever donated a few dollars for those hotdogs and how they got a huge return on that investment!" 

Jason admits that sometimes giving is scary. He advises that if you feel scared to give, ask yourself why. 

"For me, when I felt scared to give, I ask myself questions. What am I looking to for security other than the Lord? Is it my money? Is it my financial plan? Is it my comfort?" said Jason. "When you give, you lose control of an asset in your domain. It’s hard to give up that control, but that’s exactly the point. It’s an act of faith. You say to the Lord–not only is this gift yours, but everything belongs to you. Take it, and I trust you to take care of me."

Want To Know More?

Also feel free to contact Gordon or Jim for information about Rooted to Flourish or for answers to your questions:
Jim McCoun
Director of Kingdom Investments and Stewardship
Work: 678.405.2145

Gordon Moore
Chief Financial Officer
Work: 678.405.2245