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Out of an abundance of care, our campus will remain closed until 1 pm, Wednesday, January 22. Stay safe and warm, and we’ll see you soon!

Vision & Mission

We are an equipping church with a vision for kingdom flourishing and a mission of spiritual multiplication.

Situated in Metro Atlanta in one of the fastest growing areas of the US, Perimeter Church—a member of the Presbyterian Church in America—is made up of a diverse group of people brought together by a shared love for Jesus and what He has done for us. We rally around a heart to equip people to follow Jesus and flourish in his kingdom.

Deep roots

We are blessed with a rich history of faith.


Our vision is to see people come into right relationship with God, self, and neighbor as they experience His kingdom and express it to the world. We call this kingdom flourishing.


Our mission is to form gospel-rooted disciples of Christ who make and train disciples. We call this spiritual multiplication.


As a community united by faith in Christ, we trust God to do what only He can do. We call this radical dependence.

Get to know our team

Our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) leads our staff and volunteers in the daily operations and year-round ministries of our church.


We pursue two sets of values as a church. Our “do” values define what we want to characterize our actions. Our “be” values define how we want to be perceived by the world.


We are a committed to a lifestyle of faithful worship in our personal lives and corporate gatherings.


We are a people of invitation, desiring to be a place where all people feel welcomed, wanted, noticed, and needed.


We are being formed into mature and equipped followers of Jesus in our minds, hearts, and actions.


We are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus in word and action, and helping people near and far experience the kingdom flourishing available in Christ.


We display the love of Jesus to all people regardless of socio-economic status, history, or ethnicity.


We aim for consistency in every aspect of our lives, in both public and private.


We live by faith in Christ alone and faith-oriented goals in an environment of innovation.


We speak and live as directed by the Bible as the ultimate source of Truth, regardless of the consequences.

You're invited to Sunday Brunch

Learn more about Perimeter and get to know others.