We are here for you
Supporting One Another
We long to see people come into right relationship with God, self, and neighbor as they experience His kingdom and express it to the world. As we journey through life together, your church family is here to counsel, guide, pray for, and support you through life’s ups and downs.
Radical dependence upon God
We believe in the transformative power of prayer. As a church, we desire to live in a posture of radical dependence: this means trusting God to do what only He can do. Prayer is the ultimate expression of that posture. Let us know how we can pray for you, and discover how we bring our needs before God and others and grow in personal worship.
Caring for the flock
Shepherding & Pastoral Care
Part of being a member of a local church is the support and guidance of pastors, elders, and ministry leaders. Our shepherding elders and shepherdesses desire to come alongside you if you are struggling or need wisdom.
Help when you need it
We were created for community, where we can follow Jesus together and lean on one another for support and care. In discipleship groups, men or women meet together regularly for spiritual growth, but also to know and be known by others. We also have a range of support groups hosted or provided by Perimeter to help you through challenging circumstances and seasons.
Christ-centered counsel
Perimeter Counseling
For those needing more focused care by well-trained counselors, Perimeter Counseling is available. We offer Christ-centered, clinically informed counseling that works alongside our shepherding and discipleship ministries for holistic spiritual, physical, and emotional care.
Supporting major life events
Weddings & Funerals
In the joyous and grief-stricken seasons of life, we are here to walk alongside you.