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Funeral Services

A funeral, or celebration of life service, is one of life’s most difficult and emotional occasions. Yet, a Christian service can offer healing, hope, and comfort to those who are grieving and mourning.

Walking alongside you

How to Schedule a Funeral

To schedule a funeral at Perimeter, call our funeral coordinators at 678.405.2175 or email us.

Once contacted, our team will schedule a prayer and planning meeting together with the family. This time will be led by a Perimeter pastor and facilitated by the funeral coordinator. During the meeting we will pray, begin crafting an order of service, including music, Scripture verses, speakers, and eulogies.

Contact the Funeral Team

Available options to consider

Consider Pre-Planning

Although it may feel awkward and overwhelming to document your wishes for end-of-life medical care and funeral, we are pleased to walk you through the process of completing an Advance Directive and funeral plan. These documents are “living” documents meaning you can update them at any time. For more information regarding Advance Directives and Funeral Pre-Planning, please schedule an appointment by contacting Kim McNaron on the Funeral Team.

Schedule a Meeting

How can we help?

Frequently Asked Questions

The funeral ministry team will make an effort to individualize funerals, while respecting the general guidance of the PCA Book of Church Order and the Word of God.

For additional questions, please schedule a meeting with Kim McNaron.

Who may have a funeral at Perimeter Church?

It is our privilege to welcome and encourage the family and friends of the following to use our chapel and ministry center for a funeral service and reception if the decedent was a member of Perimeter Church or a spouse, child, grandchild, parent or grandparent of a current member of Perimeter Church.

If your loved one is not related to a Perimeter Church member as listed above, we are pleased to share the names of local alternative venues for your consideration.

What service elements are proper for services?

  • The singing of appropriate psalms or hymns.
  • The reading of suitable portions of Scripture, with such remarks as it may seem proper to the minister to make.
  • The sharing of Christ in the life of the deceased.
  • Prayer, in which the bereaved shall be especially remembered, and God’s grace sought for those left behind that they may be sustained and comforted in their sorrow, and that their affliction may benefit their spiritual good.

Can anyone attend the funeral?

Although services at Perimeter Church are distinctly Christian, we recognize that the community of the grieving includes non-Christian guests. We extend the same love and compassion of the church to all those attending the funeral service through our heartfelt consolation.

When should a funeral be scheduled?

We have found that conducting a funeral within one week following a death seems to be the most common and helpful time frame. However, circumstances are unique to each family, and we appreciate that desired scheduling is dependent on the availability of family and friends. As the funeral is an important occasion for the bereaved in the healing process, our pastoral recommendation to friends and family is to avoid postponing the funeral for an extended period.

Can any minister lead the service?

For the benefit of care and support, Perimeter’s pastoral staff will provide the leadership, coordination, and conducting of all funeral services at Perimeter Church. Guest pastors and speakers may work with the presiding Perimeter Church Pastor on content and programming for the funeral service.

“Precious in the sight of the Lord Is the death of His godly ones.”

Psalm 116:15 NASB

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