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Out of an abundance of care, our campus will remain closed until 1 pm, Wednesday, January 22. Stay safe and warm, and we’ll see you soon!

Equipping high school junior and seniors

Teen Finances

Get Started on the Right Financial Footing

This class is being offered just to high school juniors and seniors for a reason. After high school, you will have more financial freedom—and responsibility—than ever before.

Whether you are getting a job, joining the military, or going to college, you will have to make important money decisions every day.

We pray you will walk away from this course with a deeper understanding of what God’s Word says about faithful use of finances and feel better equipped to handle your own money.

More about the class

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can take the class?

The class is for Perimeter teen members in grades 11 and 12, the children of Perimeter Church members, or the children of active, regular attenders of Perimeter Church. If you would like to request an exception, please contact one of the instructors.

How much time will I need to invest?

  • There will be three in-person meetings lasting approximately 1.5 hours, including lunch.

  • Each of the four modules will take approximately one hour to complete, plus a few minutes to complete the quiz.

What materials do I need?

The curriculum we are using is “Simplifying the Money Conversation” from the Ron Blue Institute. Each participant will need to purchase the online version of the curriculum, which costs approximately $35.

What is the financial reward for successful completion?

We believe so strongly that this is important content for you and your future, you will have the opportunity to earn $250 upon successful completion. Successful completion is defined as:

  1. Completion of all four modules, scoring 70 or higher on each quiz.
  2. Attend all three in-person meetings and meaningfully participate in the discussion of each module.

What you do with your financial reward is up to you!

  • Save it for future educational expenses.
  • Use for graduation or other personal expenses.
  • Support a ministry that is important to you.
  • “Pay it forward” by blessing someone in need.

We will not ask you what you chose to do with it. If, however, you have a story to share about how the $250 blessed you or someone else, we would love to hear from you!

How can I find out more?

Email lay leader Noah McCutcheon using the form below. He will be happy to answer your questions!

I’m interested! How can I join?

Check out the upcoming classes below. Please check back if the “Biblical Financial Principles for Teens” class is not listed. 

Do not purchase the materials until you hear from us! We will provide information on where to purchase the online curriculum.

Contact Our Team

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