Harry is going to France

Harry is going to France

France | 6/13/22

Jun 13, 2022 - Jun 20, 2022


Dear Friends,

We are less than two weeks from leaving for Paris, France for the June 2022 Paris Prayer Connection, June 12-20, sponsored by World Team, a major mission organization with whom we are partnering for this Global Outreach (GO) Journey. We will be joining other churches from the United States praying for local churches, their pastors and congregations and the area surrounding the churches.

My responsibility as Team Leader is to prepare the Team for this special GO Journey.  Over the last month we have had two training meetings for cross-cultural adaptation, preparing testimonies, reading on spiritual warfare, support raising and discussing the schedule of our time in Paris.  In addition, I have planned with the Perimeter Communication Department representatives who will travel with us for videotaping our trip. The Video Crew will record some of our church sessions, prayer walks around the city and meetings with French pastors.

Speaking of French pastors, we will be meeting our first day in Paris six pastors from Marseille who are interested in Perimeter’s Life on Life Discipleship (LOL) ministry.  They are eager for discipleship training, so we will discuss this ministry and how we use it to build disciples!   We are also scheduling a trip to a church south of Paris to have a meeting with Jeremie and Thierry, pastor and leader of Eglise Evangelique Baptiste du Mee sur Seine.  They, too, are interested LOL and the Shepherding ministry of Perimeter.  We hope to plan a future GO Journey with this church.

As I mentioned in my first letter, you can have a part in this GO Journey to Paris!  First, we need your prayers as we depend on the Lord to guide us daily in our meetings at local churches.  Second, you can pray for the meeting with selected pastors for developing ministry partnerships.  Third, pray for our church meetings as we begin discussions on GO Journeys for 2023.

Finally, you can have a financial investment in France through supporting our France Go Journey.  If you would like to join my prayer team and/or support team, you can click on the link below.  I will be sending regular updates on the GO Journey France.

Thank you so much for joining my Team!


Harry Cooksey


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So far I've raised
38% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.