Linda is going to None

Linda is going to JNY

Guatemala | 6/18/2022

Jun 18, 2022 - Jun 26, 2022


Linda Lee

4337 Alba Lane

Buford, GA 30519

(507) 269-0260


Dear Family and Friends,


I'm writing to let you know that our family has the privilege of going on a mission trip to Guatemala this summer. The trip is organized by the church we've been attending, Perimeter Church, which has had a long relationship with ministries in Guatemala. We'll specifically be working with Medical Missions Ministries and will be traveling from June 18-25. Sung and Caleb joining us a little later on the 20th due to a lacrosse tournament. Another family whom we know well and are also in healthcare will be traveling with us. We realize the trip is really soon, and sorry this letter is coming to you later than planned, as Linda had been sick for several weeks and both her parents have required surgery recently.


We've been praying for the opportunity to go on an international mission trip as a family since about 3 years ago, and then the pandemic hit. Now that these kinds of mission trips are slowly starting to resume after a 2-year-long hiatus for many organizations, we're excited to have found this opportunity. We're looking forward to grow in our faith and obedience to God, introduce the children to international missions which greatly impacted Sung and me when we were young, and see how the Lord is working to build His kingdom in different parts of the world.


While in Guatemala, we'll be based at a church in the city of Antigua. Our trip will start with a possible visit to an orphanage, and then we'll accompany local doctors to hold mobile medical clinics in nearby towns and villages. These clinics serve to support the churches in these areas. As our time will be short there, our role will mainly be to support the local doctors in their work. Some of our specific jobs will be as a runner to escort patients, prayer team, VBS-style kids' program, pharmacy assistant, and sharing station helper, where we'll be able to share about Jesus and pray for patients as they wait for their prescriptions. Sung will also likely be able to serve as a neurology consultant, and although Linda has not practiced for several years, she may be able to help with pediatric patients as needed. We heard we're the first medical missions team coming to help this ministry since the pandemic started, so we know the schedule and responsibilities may shift as the needs arise. 


We had planned to fund the cost for this trip ourselves, so please disregard the fundraising info that may come with this email link, unless you would like to donate to the church for other mission trips. However, we invite you to become part of our team by praying regularly for us. Even though it will be a short trip, we are well aware that there may be travel challenges, safety and health issues, and spiritual opposition. Also, we will need prayer so that we can hear God clearly, not be distracted, and be useful for His kingdom work. We cannot emphasize enough how much we will need prayer throughout this trip. If you feel called to pray for us, we'd be very grateful and can't wait to see how the Lord will faithfully answer for His glory!


If you'd like to join our prayer support team, or if you'd like to receive email updates, please respond to this email. Thank you so much for the chance to tell you about our upcoming trip. We look forward to seeing what God will do and sharing this journey with you!



Linda, Sung, Joshua, Caleb, and Elizabeth

Linda Lee


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So far I've raised
100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.