Joseph is going to None

Joseph is going to JNY

Guatemala | 7/20/22

Jul 20, 2022 - Jul 28, 2022


Dear Friends,

Joseph and I are going on a mission trip to Guatemala in a few weeks!  I would like to invite you to be part of our prayer support team.  So that you can pray more specifically, here are some of the details of our trip.

When? Wednesday, July 20 - Wednesday, July 27

Who? Perimeter Church in Johns Creek has graciously allowed us to join a group from their church.  All together, there are 16 in our group.  From our church are Joseph and I along with Lydia and Luisa Wen (daughters of H.C. and Lisa.)  

What Organization? Our trip is organized by Tios for Hope. (  Tios is an organization that cooperates with the local church in Excuintla, Guatemala to “Overcome poverty and injustice in Guatemala through Christ’s transforming love.”  Among many other things, Tios operates a child sponsorship program that runs the Mana de Vida Christian School.  Children in poverty and hopeless situations are sponsored and able to attend the school.  The children are taught the gospel and provided an excellent education which gives them the hope and opportunity to rise out of poverty.  The directors and founders of Tios, D’ann and Bruce Renner, will be leading our trip.  

What will we do?  Our group will be involved in several projects at the Mana de Vida school and the community.  Joseph, Lydia, Luisa, and I will be doing a Vacation Bible School for the students at the school.  We are making the plans for the VBS ourselves so please pray that the Lord will lead us.  We don’t know the ages or number of children to expect yet, but our group leader is in touch with the leader of the school to get us more details.  Others from our group will be conducting a business seminar for the older students in the vocational program at Mana, others teaching English in the English classes at the school.  We will also have some opportunities to do home visits with the families of the students from the school.  On Saturday, all of us will be conducting a medical clinic in the community, distributing food and clothes, and praying with the patients.  One day of our trip will be a culture day.  We will visit the local market and some of the natural and historic sites in the area.  

Why?  Our small group of four from our church is going for several reasons.

  • The obvious reason, to serve the Lord by sharing His love and His Word with children and their families in Guatemala.  

  • We also know that through such experiences we can grow in our own faith.

  • We are excited that our church is sending us out to pave the way for our church to be involved in missions in Guatemala in the future.


Would you like to join us as a prayer supporter?  Please let us know and we will send you updates and prayer letters for the trip.  

Thank you!  May the Lord be glorified and His name be exalted in Guatemala!

Love in Jesus,

Belinda & Joseph Loh

218 Oakridge Drive

Cartersville, GA 30121

Belinda & Joseph Loh


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100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.