Lori is going to Poland

Lori is going to Poland

Poland| Ukrainian Refugee| 05/29/22

May 29, 2022 - Jun 12, 2022


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I am so excited to tell you about an opportunity which I have to lead a team to Poland to help Ukrainian Refugees!

While the work won’t be difficult (playing with kiddos while parents go to the Consulate for assistance, making lunches, being gophers for the Partners and Refugees, clearing out and rehabbing a hotel for the Refugees to call home, and any other thing requested of us) it will certainly be helpful to our Partners as well as to the Refugees.

And here is some good news…YOU can join me! I know it says I’m leaving on May 29, 2022. And I am! Short notice and you’re probably not ready to pack up and go. So, here’s how you come with me…pray for the trip. Pray that we bring fun, comfort, peace, and Jesus with us. These refugees need all these things and more. Many left with the clothes on their backs and that alone. Most are woman and children, since the men are still in Ukraine, fighting this war. They long to return, but many of their homes are in rubble. They will never see their home again, even if or when they return to Ukraine.

Our Partners in Poland have been sacrificially giving to these who have nothing. They have given their time, their money, their food, their clothes, and even their homes so that the Ukrainians can feel some semblance of normalcy and security. For the last few months many of the people in partner churches have opened their homes to these lost families. Sleeping wherever a spot can be found. They are sick, old, young, scared, injured, confused, tired…pick an adjective. We want to help them to be hopeful.

Another way you can join me is financially. Because of my job here at Perimeter, the cost for my trip will be covered. But if you feel so inclined, you can give (in my name) and the funds will be used to help get the rest of the team there. If we raise over what is needed to cover our costs, we will use those funds for other Ukrainian Refugee projects in Poland and any of our other Partners around the world who may be assisting them. And your donation is tax-deductible!

You may wonder why we don’t just send the money. It would pay for so much! We have sent money as a church. And it has been put to good use! Housing, food, clothes… But our Partners have asked for “boots on the ground”. They too, are tired and overworked and need some respite. Hopefully we can bring that to them.

Thank you in advance for your support prayerfully or financially. You are a blessing to me, and now, to the Ukrainian Refugees and our Polish Partners.



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0% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.