Lori is going to None

Lori is going to Dublin

Ireland | 10/27/2017

Oct 27, 2017 - Nov 5, 2017


This month, on the 27th, I am privileged to be going to Ireland with several others from our congregation to work with our partners, Dan and Amy Tabb of Sports Across Ireland. I would love it if you could join with me in this mission. What? It's too short of a notice??  That's OK. I understand. But there IS a way that you can go with me without even leaving the country. You can go with me in prayer.


Please be in prayer for me and the entire team (Dennis, Linda, Kendall, Kimberly, Charles, and me). Pray for our safety (we'll be there over Halloween). Pray for good interaction with the partner, that we could be a blessing to them. Pray for relationships with the kids with whom we will work and hopefully minister. Pray for our health, that jetlag won't keep us from serving. Pray for open hearts to receive what we have to share. This is a mostly Catholic nation and not very open to Protestantism, even though this is the 500th Anniversary of the Reforamtion! We'll be there to celebrate that as well. Kind of fun!


Our objective, is to show the love of Christ to underprivileged kiddos. We'll teach them some sports, we'll work on arts and crafts with them, we'll teach them songs, and most importantly, we will be Jesus to them. This is a very poor area outside of Dublin, Ireland, where the Tabbs have been investing for several years. Their hearts and lives are firmly entrenched in helping the people of Ballymun. They use sports as a means of connecting with those who might not otherwise give them the time of day. Litterally. Because they are Protestant and not Catholic. This "religious war" has been waged for, literally, centuries. Pray we can impact many young lives while we are there. That they would know the one, true way to Christ.


Thank you for praying with me and for me. I couldn't ask for a better person to "go with me into all the world".


Love you! And I can't wait to get back and tell you all about this trip!


PS. Since this is part of my job (nice work if you can get it), I don't personally have to raise funds for this trip, but there are others on the team who are raising funds. Anything you might wish to donate will go to help all of us get there. Just click the "$ Donate" button on the right and give. Thanks!!



Lori Allison


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0% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.