Jaime is going to None

Jaime is going to JNY

Guatemala MMM| 3/31/2018

Mar 31, 2018 - Apr 8, 2018


Our Dear Family and Friends, 

In just under 2 months, Ainsley, Tinkie and I will be departing on a mission trip through Perimeter Church.  We will be traveling  with 8 other team members to serve in Guatemala.  We will be gone for 8 days, over the girls' Spring Break; March 31st- April 8th.  We are excited to serve by assisting in a number of clinics that will address the medical, dental and spiritual needs of Guatemalans in rural areas of the country, where access to these services is extremely limited.

As you can imagine, Guatemala is a country that is in need of assistance and support. The country has a tumultuous history; their 36-year civil war, which ended in 1996 and saw 200,000 civilians killed or missing, has certainly left many of its people with long-term suffering, confusion, poverty, and undoubtedly a skewed worldview weighted heavily toward skepticism. Where there has been great confusion, disaster, and suffering, though, is often where the Truth of God through the power of the Holy Spirit can spread rapidly.

As we ask for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done, He is renewing minds, healing, encouraging, and breaking down barriers. We are excited to be together in this endeavor; we are eager to see how God will use this journey to shape those we meet as well as how He will change and renew our own minds and hearts.

Specifically, I am prayerful that Ainsley, Tinkie and I will be able to work effectively as a family team to have a positive impact on others, as we serve in a place that is certain to stretch us physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I am praying that God will use us as we share our faith stories to draw others to Him, and that He will give us courage to share boldly and love deeply those whom we encounter.  I am also prayerful that He will use this experience to open our eyes to the expanse of His world and also build a sense of gratitude and gratefulness with just HOW MUCH we have been given- both in the spiritual realm as well as the socio-economic realm.  Will you join me in praying to this end?

From Ainsley:  Hey! I am so excited for this mission trip and the plans that God has for us! I can't wait to go and experience the cultural diffences between the countries and make an impact on the people I help.  I'm thinking it will be a once in a lifetime experience! I think we need prayer that our team (small but mighty!) will work well together and be a light to others that we meet. 

From Tinkie: Woohoo! Guatemala here we come! I am so grateful for this oppourtunity to serve and grow in my walk with Jesus, and am especially looking forward to seeing what the Lord is doing in Guatemala. I am hopeful that this will be a very meaningful trip bonding with each other (the team) in aiding each other as well as the people we meet. Prayers would be very much appreciated, and specifically for me that I would be able to take home a perspective and outlook on serving that will be a base to putting others before myself. Thank you so much for your prayers!

We need your support in our endeavor, both financially and in prayer. Financially, our total cost is $5550 and we are responsible for raising this support. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us in this great work? It will be challenging, exhausting, and rewarding, and we pray that God will receive all the glory for what He chooses to accomplish in us and through us.

There is a link at the very bottom of this email that will take our support page, where you can donate online through Perimeter Church. 

Concerning prayer, we ask as John Piper asks: Please do not neglect the amazing influence you have in the world for good through prayer. We urge you, as Paul did from his fellow Christians in Romans 15:30-31, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with us in your prayers for this trip, that we may be delivered from any danger or anything that would cause us harm, and that our service for Guatemala may bring honor to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Savior.

Though you will not be 1300 miles away with us, we hope you will partner with us as part of our team through prayer and financial support, if you are so lead.

We'd love to talk more about this!  So, feel free to reach out!

Jaime's email: maimsterjones@gmail.com

Ainsley's email: ainzlovesthelanes@gmail.com

Tinkie's email: sweetlittletink@gmail.com

With love and grateful hearts, 

Jaime, Ainsley and Tinkie Jones


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So far I've raised
98% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.