Irene is going to None

Irene is going to JNY

Guatemala MMM Magill/Daniels| 7/14/2018

Jul 14, 2018 - Jul 21, 2018


Dear Friend,


This summer, Esther and I are going to join a Perimeter Church Go Journey team to Guatemala to be part of a medical mission.  Esther had been through church membership process and she accepted Jesus Christ as her savior last year.  She became a child of God.  We believe that this trip will strengthen her faith as well as mine as we share the Gospel with others and bless them with God's grace. 


The mission trip is a 7-day trip from July 14th to July 21st.  Our group has 11 people so far and most of them are parent/child pairs.  We will be joining Dr. Alb (our ministry partner) to a group of doctors who travel to villages to help patients by setting up clinics.  In four days, we will have two hours devotions before heading to the clinic each morning.  Once arriving our job as helpers start with setting up the pharmacy and greeting the patients who are waiting.  The doctors see as many patients as come and the team works in one of the areas mentioned below to help the patients. The clinics include helping the pharmacist dispense medicine, prayer walking, prescription runner, working with the kids’ program, assisting the dentist, and finally, what Dr. Alb considers the most important part, the Sharing Stations.  As the patients wait for their prescriptions to be filled, most of the team is waiting to pray with them and to share the gospel.  At the end of the day we pack up and return “home”.  Occasionally the teams will stay overnight at the church that is hosting the clinic if the next village is closer than returning to the ministry center.  We will visit the orphanage and play with the kids there on Sunday after we arrive on Saturday. 


We know that we cannot do this on our own, so we would love for you to partner with us in prayers and financial support.  Without the help from God's people we will be doomed to failure.  We covet your prayer for us - travel safety, good health, experience God and be humble reflect Jesus Christ, build strong relationship within the team so that together we can plant seeds of the Gospel and bless the people we serve.  We need your financial support to us - Esther and I need to raise $3,700 for the trip.  We will take whatever the amount you feel lead to.  We have put our actions to raise fund, we had no beach spring break vacation, Esther had no Jhi retreat, no summer camp, and no swimming team this year.  We would appreciate your financial as well as your prayer support.    


In Christ,


Irene and Esther    



      我和女儿(甘霖),今年七月准备加入教会的瓜蒂玛拉医疗短宣队,去服事当地村民。 甘霖去年经过了教会会员考核,接受耶稣基督做主,成为神的孩子,我们万分感恩!希望通过参加这次的短宣使我们的信心更加坚定,可以把神的爱传播给需要的人。

      我们这次的行程是七月14日到七月21日。队中一共有十一位队员,其中大多是家长和子女。我们主要的工作是做当地医生团队的助手,去不同的乡村,设立诊所,给村民治病。 到达后的第一天是主日,我们将会参加当地教会的崇拜,然后会去当地的孤儿院服事,陪那里的孩子们玩游戏。接下来的四天,我们每天要去乡村,帮助设立简便诊所,给病人拿药,负责小孩子的节目,做牙医的助理。Dr. Alb(当地医疗事工负责人)说,最重要的是,在病人等候拿药时,为他们祷告,分享见证,传讲福音。Dr. Alb将在每天早上带领我们晨更两小时,做服事前的预备。我们将是今年去那里服事的四个团队中的一队。每年,教会的这个事工都有美好的见证,也是给家长带领孩子体验短期宣教的好机会。

      我们深知,宣教是一项艰巨的工作,需要大量人力和财力的支持。我们邀请你做我们祷告的同伴,为我们祷告,旅途平安,体力强壮,建立团队,经历神,学习耶稣的谦卑和温柔,播撒福音的种子,祝福我们所要服事的人,荣耀神。我们也请求你在财务上支持我们,我们自己已经在努力,今年全家决定春假不远行,甘霖决定免去中学生退修会,放弃夏令营,退出暑期游泳队。我们两人一共需要$ 3,700。若你有感动,无论多少,请帮助我们积少成多,能够成行,愿你与我们同工,若我们筹到多于两人所需的费用,将和团队分享,愿神赐福于你和你家!




朱君青 携 何甘霖(Esther)



Irene Zhu


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So far I've raised
100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.