Gavin is going to Guatemala

Gavin is going to Guatemala

Guatemala MMM | 06/17/2017

Jun 17, 2017 - Jun 24, 2017

Dear Friends and Family,

My name is Gavin Alexander Kembel and I am a freshman at Duluth High School.  You might know my mother, Wendy Albrecht Kembel.  I am in my third year of Perimeter Church’s Discipleship Program, and I am in the Student Ministry of One Heart Church, where we are members.  I have been given the opportunity to attend the Medical Missions and Mana de Vida Ministry trip to Guatemala June 17 - June 24, 2017 through Perimeter Church.  I have never been on a mission trip before, or even to another country (or even on an airplane), so I am very excited!


During this mission trip, our team is going to work in medical clinics, which are set up within churches in the villages of Guatemala.  The pastors invite the neighboring communities to come to the free clinic, and I will be ready to help the pharmacist dispense medication, be a prescription runner, work with the kids’ program, pray and assist the dentist.  


While in Guatemala, we will visit an orphanage, and I am looking forward to playing with the children and singing songs of worship with them.  We will also go to Mana de Vida (MDV) school to help with various projects such as painting, helping with English lessons, working in the kitchen, administrative work for the sponsored children getting their records updated, and anything else the staff there needs help to accomplish.


I look forward to helping the people in Guatemala and experiencing God’s plans for them, but to get to Guatemala, I must ask for your support!  I would like to request your prayer that our team will make it safely to and from Guatemala and that God will accomplish His plans through us. 


For the mission, my total cost is $1,725.00, and we are individually responsible for raising support If you would like to join me in this opportunity to bless and be blessed, you can donate online.  If you are viewing this as an emailed letter, the link to donate is at the end of the email.  If you are viewing this from my web page, you can click "Support Gavin" (upper right of web page) or "Support My Journey" (on the map at the bottom of the web page) or "Donate" on the right side of the page.


I am grateful for any prayer and/or financial support you may feel led to give for this mission trip.  I am trusting God to provide for my portion of the overall cost of this trip.


Thank you!

Gavin A. Kembel


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Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.