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Sundays at 9:00 and 10:45 am


Laying Spiritual Foundations

On Sunday mornings in KidsRock, babies and preschoolers experience the love of our Rock, Jesus Christ, through the teaching and nurture of our staff and trained volunteers. Our goal is to assist parents in laying a Christ-centered foundation in the hearts of their young children.

Infants - Pre-school

About KidsRock

Nursing Mothers Room offers nursing moms a quiet, comfortable place to nurse their babies and view a live broadcast of the worship service (access through the Changing Station).

Stroller Parking for a safe and convenient place to leave your stroller and car seat while you worship.

Child-size Bathrooms in each preschool room feature split “Dutch” doors to provide both privacy and monitored adult supervision.

An Indoor Playground is located at the entrance to the KidsRock environment. Allow your children to play while you enjoy fellowship with friends.

Invest in the Next Generation

Serve With Us

Help give parents an opportunity to worship freely with the peace of knowing their children are being lovingly cared for in the nursery. Click below to send an interest form, and we will contact you with more information. Flexible serving options are available!

Interest Form