Davidson is going to France

Davidson is going to France

France | 6/13/22

Jun 13, 2022 - Jun 20, 2022


France is known for its beauty. For years artists have painted images of a place where everyone seems to have it all together: people walking through the local market, having picnics in the grass and enjoying life together. This is what community should look like, but where was God in all this? Paris, the city of lights has become the city of darkness.

Join me in shining the light of Jesus Christ in France. This June I, along with a team from Perimeter Church, are going to Paris, France to help advance God’s kingdom. We will be meeting with our current partners there to continue building relationships with them. We will also be prayer walking around the city asking God to move in a mighty way.  First and foremost, would you pray for us? Second, would you consider donating? For the Go Journey mission, my total cost is $3000 and we are individually responsible for raising our support. Thank you in advance for your contribution! Your support means a lot! 

Grace and peace,

Davidson Jean-Rejouis 

Davidson Jean-Rejouis


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25% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.