William is going to Poland

Willie is going to Poland

Poland| Ukrainian Refugee | 06/14/22

Jun 14, 2022 - Jun 26, 2022


Brothers, Sisters & Friends,                                                                                   May 18, 2022


I am thrilled that I will be joining the Perimeter Church GO-Journey trip to Poland, June 14-26.


We are scheduled to be ministering/working in Warsaw. The current plan is that the team will be helping prepare a 110-room hotel that has not been used in 2 years, for Ukrainian refugee families. The work will consist of minor repairs, ripping-out old carpeting, building bunk beds, tables, and whatever else may be needed to assist our church partners in Poland.


During our last training session, we read a letter from our partners in Poland. I read with a heavy heart as I could feel how our brothers and sisters in Christ were giving sacrificially to the Ukrainian refugees; including time, money, food, clothes and even opening their homes to those who at this time are in despair and in much need of hope. I pray God will allow our team to provide a short respite to our partners in the church in Warsaw, that may allow them a time of refreshing – physically, emotionally and spiritually.


I am writing to ask for your support in 2 ways:


First – I covet your prayers. Starting with the team. That we may come together as children of God in unity and harmony with only one purpose – that our great God & Father be glorified. That as we share our time, skills, words of encouragement and hope, that we remember that we are ambassadors of Christ Jesus doing His work as He leads. And lastly for me; that I be a blessing and not a hindrance; that I carry the joy of Christ to every person He brings in my path.


Second – I have a financial request. I am fully funded for the trip. My airfare, lodging and meals are already secured.


However, I would ask for your donations as I hope to raise $1,000 in order to purchase ministry supply items to take with us on the flight. The GO-Journey ministry office at Perimeter will decide what & how the funds are used. If you feel led and are able, you may donate through the Perimeter Church website.


Once you enter the website, select “Give”, then “Give Online”, “Other”, and under “Choose designation”, please select “Mission Trip”. Upon clicking on “Choose Mission Trip”, select “Poland Ukrainian Refugee I 06/14/22”. Finally, please select my name.


Thank you in advance for your prayers and financial support (if led to do so). If you are receiving this letter it is because you have been not only a blessing to me but also an example of what a man or woman of God looks like . . . thank you for your friendship & fellowship in Christ.




Willie Vazquez

Willie Vazquez


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So far I've raised
100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.