Kirsten is going to None

Kirsten is going to JNY

Guatemala MMM| 3/31/2018

Mar 31, 2018 - Apr 8, 2018


Dear family and friends,

 In just a few short weeks, Anicka and I will have an amazing opportunity to serve together in Guatemala! During Anicka’s spring break, March 31-April 8, we’ll be part of a small team from Perimeter Church that will help a group of Guatemalan doctors conduct mobile medical/dental clinics in areas where access to these services is extremely limited. We will travel to several rural villages and work alongside the local Guatemalan pastors and believers to assist the medical staff, pray and share with patients, and play and connect with patients’ children while they wait.

Guatemala is a beautiful country with fascinating people, but it has a tumultuous history. In their 36-year civil war, which ended in 1996, an estimated 200,000 civilians were killed or went missing. Many Guatemalans have endured much loss, and many struggle with deep poverty.

Anicka and I are asking God to help us be His hands and feet to the people we encounter. We want to be good helpers, gracious teammates, careful listeners, and effective encouragers. Specifically, we’re praying the two of us will work well with each other and with the rest of the team to have a positive impact on others, especially when we’re feeling stretched, hot, tired, and “peopled out”. We’re praying God will use our faith stories to draw others to Him and give us courage to share boldly and love well. We’re eager to see how He will use this journey to shape those we meet and grow and renew us in the process. Would you please pray with for these things?

From Anicka: On this trip, I hope to see God working through me and the team to save and heal the people we meet and to love them. I hope He’ll give us all compassion for the people we meet. Please pray I will be able to handle large groups of people for long amounts of time. Also, please pray for me as I share my testimony, because I’ve never done that before. I’m excited about a lot of things we’ll do there, but especially about eating Guatemalan food in the villages and climbing an active volcano on our last day! 

Would you like to join with us in this adventure? If you will pray for us before and during our trip, would you please email us and let us know? If you’d like to partner with us financially (no pressure to do so!), you can follow the link in the paragraph below (auto-inserted by Perimeter). It'll take you to our support page where you can donate online through Perimeter Church. 

Our email addresses:



With love and gratitude,

Kirsten & Anicka :-)

Kirsten & Anicka :-)


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100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.