Cindi is going to None

Cindi is going to JNY

Guatemala MMM/MDV| 7/21/2018

Jul 21, 2018 - Jul 28, 2018


Dear Friends and Family,

Connor and I have some exciting news to share. We’ve decided to go on a mission trip to Guatemala this summer! 

Neither of us have been on a mission trip before, and we're not quite sure what to expect. I've had it on my heart for years to go, but have never been able to muster up the courage. The whole experience will be so far out of our comfort zone! Connor and I are both picky eaters, so we're worried about the food. We don't like the heat and the trip is in the middle of summer in a hot country. And then there's the whole sharing our faith with total strangers part. Eeek! 

But in spite of all of our doubts and worries, God has been nudging us both to just GO. I've seen Connor's faith grow so much in the last few years as he gets to know Jesus. He's becoming aware that not everyone lives the comfortable and blessed life we do and God has given him a servant's heart to help. The thought that there are people in the world who have never heard of Jesus shocks him. He can't fathom that there are actually people who live without the luxuries we take for granted - like running water, electricity, or AIR CONDITIONING!! It breaks his heart and he wants to do something to help. So this is where we're starting. 

The trip is July 21-28, 2018. While there, we will spend part of our time working with students in a school for impoverished inner-city children. We will help with classes and devotionals, do work projects such as set up a library, help the staff with daily tasks and deliver food to school families.  The other half of the trip will be spent working with a medical clinic. We will help the doctors fill prescriptions, provide a program for the children while they or their parents are waiting to be seen by the doctors, do odd jobs at the clinic, and pray and share the Word of God with waiting patients. 

And this brings me to probably the biggest reason I've never been willing to go on a mission trip - the fundraising. I feel very uncomfortable asking people for money. I've always been more than happy to stay home and pray and donate money to send others. Now it's our turn to go and we are prayerfully hoping you will help send us. If you’re able, we would greatly appreciate your financial assistance. The cost of the trip is $1850 per person ($3700 for both of us). Any amount you can give will help us reach our goal. You can give securely online at:

If you prefer to give by check, please make it payable to ‘Perimeter Church’, write ‘Guatemala 7/21/18 Davis’ on the memo line, and mail it to Perimeter Church ATTN: Accounting, 9500 Medlock Bridge Rd, Johns Creek, GA 30097.

Most importantly, we need your prayers, both while we prepare and during our time in Guatemala. Please pray that God will protect us from spiritual attack, that He will prepare our hearts for the trip, and that He will use us to make himself known to the people we will meet in Guatemala.  

Thank you so much for helping us make this trip possible!

Cindi & Connor


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So far I've raised
84% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.