Brad is going to None

Brad is going to JNY


Jul 26, 2018 - Aug 4, 2018


Beth (Mondie) and Brad Goodwin

Beth (336)516-6931

Brad (614)940-2039


Dear Friends and Family,


We are going to Karansi, Tanzania this summer on a Global Outreach (GO) Journey with a group from our church. We are both interested in opportunities to do mission work and this GO Journey will give us a chance to serve and aligns well with some of our other interests and passions as the focus of the trip will be science education and medical care. Our church has an ongoing relationship with a local congregation and supports a school for elementary and middle school aged children that provides a high quality education to students in a rural community in northern Tanzania.


During the day, our team will assist a group of doctors and medical students as they provide medical services to residents of the area. In the afternoons, our team will be teaching and equipping the teachers of the school in basic scientific principles so that they can teach the children. The dominant teaching methods in Tanzania focus on memorization of facts. We will work to provide not just facts, but also instruction on the scientific method, and learning through experimentation and observation. The town we will work in is in the northern part of Tanzania, close to Mt. Kilimanjaro. As part of the science education, Brad will be putting together a lesson on climate and what scientists are able to learn about long-term changes in climate from studying ice from glaciers around the world (including from Mt. Kilimanjaro). It is very exciting for Brad to get the chance to combine mission work with the scientific knowledge he gained during his graduate work.


The town where we will work was once a small village and is now growing with plans for construction of a large government office complex. Much of the growth in the region can be attributed to the school we will work with, which has become one of the best schools in the region. While there has been recent growth, there are still many needs for both children and adults in the area. There are still needs for clean drinking water and improved access to quality health care for area residents.


We are both very excited for this trip and would greatly appreciate your support in any way you are led to provide whether it be by financial support or by prayer, both are greatly needed. We ask specifically for prayer for the two of us, as we will be leaving our daughter Elsa with grandparents while we go on the trip. This will be the first time Beth has been away from Elsa for more than 24-hours and will be the longest that Brad has been away since Elsa was born. We also ask for your prayers for the teachers we will be working with during the trip and for our team as we try to communicate effectively the science that we plan to share.


For the mission, our (Beth and Brad) total cost is $7,000, and we are individually responsible for raising our support. To donate online, visit Just choose this journey and Brad’s name from the drop-down boxes.

We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for this trip and are so blessed to have your support, both prayer and financial. We plan to provide you all with updates on our GO Journey over the coming months.


Beth and Brad Goodwin


Beth and Brad Goodwin


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So far I've raised
100% of what I need



Donations are tax-deductible and must be made payable to Perimeter Church, who is training and sending the team and who requests that this be above your regular tithe and offerings to your local church. If I raise more than 100%, the additional funds will be allocated to the team fund, and, after that, used at the discretion of the Global Outreach Ministry Team.