Kevin is going to Guatemala

Kevin is going to Guatemala

Guatemala MMM | 06/17/2017

Jun 17, 2017 - Jun 24, 2017


Dear Jon,

Susan, Ashley, Mark and I will be going to Guatemala City from June 17th -24th.  We plan to split our time between a medical mission and a school.

At Medical Missions Ministry, the medical clinics are set up in churches in the villages of Guatemala and the pastors invite the neighboring communities to come for the free clinic. The doctors see as many patients as come and the team helps the pharmacist dispense medicine, do prayer walks, run prescriptions, work with the kids’ program, assists the dentist, and finally, what Dr. Alb considers the most important part, the Sharing Stations. As the patients wait for their prescriptions to be filled, most of the team is waiting to pray with them and to share the gospel.

With Mana de Vida School, we serve the school with various projects. Could be painting, helping with English lessons, working in the kitchen, administrative work for the sponsored children getting their records updated, and any other thing that the staff there needs help to accomplish.

Please pray that our time will be fruitful, that out Perimeter team will encourage each other, and that God will work in each of our lives to help us Love Him more.




Kevin Ryan


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