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Faith & Culture

There’s an incongruence in the title of this series: by separating our faith from everything else in life, it ceases to be true, biblical faith. The very essence of faith affects every aspect of our lives.

In this episode, Jeff Norris and Laura Story Elvington talk with Collin Hansen, vice president for content and editor-in-chief of The Gospel Coalition, and executive director of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. They discuss what faith looks like in today’s culture, how to reach the next generation who may be disillusioned with the idea of faith, and how media plays a role in our faith, for better or worse.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • What does faith look like in today’s culture? Describe this cultural moment.
  • How do we reach the next generation who may feel disillusioned with “faith?”
  • What role does media play in our faith, for better or worse?

Additional Resources: 

Listen to this and more episodes on our Digging Deeper Podcast, available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other podcast streaming platforms.