Kids Hope

Perimeter Church partners with six elementary schools and two middle schools within our City Impact region with whom we share the goal that every child would graduate from high school. Establishing these relationships with area public schools provides an abundance of ways for us to serve, positively influence and bless children and their families. The needs are great and more urgent than ever.

The mentoring ministry through Perimeter Church began a decade ago with a national, non-profit partner, Kids Hope USA. Our leaders have been trained and in turn, train and provide ongoing support and encouragement to volunteer mentors. Each trained mentor engages in a one-on-one relationship with a child at their neighboring school, meeting for just one hour each week. 

Where are our partnering elementary schools?

  • Alpharetta: Creek View Elementary School
  • Berkeley Lake: Berkeley Lake Elementary School
  • Duluth: Chattahoochee Elementary School
  • Johns Creek: Findley Oaks Elementary and Medlock Bridge Elementary School
  • Peachtree Corners: Peachtree Elementary School

Why should I invest in an elementary school student?

Sharing an hour each week befriending a child, becoming his/her cheerleader, and demonstrating the love of Jesus is an invaluable investment of your time.  The love, encouragement and care that you can give may very well be the difference between failure and success!

Contact Courtney John to get started on your Kids Hope mentoring journey.

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Courtney John

Community Outreach Education Support Coordinator